keskiviikko 1. helmikuuta 2012

Happened at the Headingley Campus...

It is starting to feel like home in Leeds. Definitely don't feel like I'm on a week long vacation anymore. The uni started yesterday and it surely was interesting. Everything's so different here.
An hour long lectures, no breaks, wandering around the Headingley Campus trying to find the next class room. Everything seems so basic and simple so far. Some of the modules seem really interesting, but at least one of them, although level 5, seemed like i've taken it before - when I started studying tourism... I have a feeling it is going to be quite easy semester, however, it was only the first day and this place is full of surprises. It was interesting to see how the lecturers were so worried about us and wanted to make sure we are following everything. We had this feeling they are really treating us like we are a little stupid and don't speak any English. But that is understandable I guess, and expected. There are only three of us exchange students anyway: me, Kata and a girl from Switzerland. Rest of them are really young English people, mostly girls.

We had this little depate going on about tourism in Haiti yesterday. It was really short but sure interesting to see how English people talk at the lectures. In Finland we are so matter of fact and polite, we don't interupt or say "that is horrible thing to say" or anything like that. The culture is so different when it comes to that. First the lecturer asks if anyone wants to share their opinions about the subject. No one says anything, and it was exactly like us Finns. However, 10 seconds later, someone opened her mouth and the arguing started. Much easier job for a lecturer to get people talking than in Finland. We don't wanna say anything if we aren't 100 % sure of the correctness of the answer. It is really funny to see the differences like that.

Besides that I don't really know yet what the studying is going to be like. All I know is that I'm loving the creative industries course, and in the Valentine's day we are taking a field trip to Sheffield and see the creative industries business in action. I am so looking forward to that!

 This is Headingley Campus. The massive and typical English buiding is James Graham Hall.

Manchester! We went there on saturday, just to vote for the presidental elections in Finland. No way I am gonna miss voting, especially now when my candidate is on the second round. Also seeing Manchester sounded pretty awesome, it is actually smaller city than Leeds, but there were TRAMS! I thought I wouldn't see a tram here but I did! And I know where I am going now when I need to go to do some serious shopping! We didn't stay for long this time, but definitely gonna visit there more often in the near future. Most importantly my vote went for Pekka Haavisto! ;)  


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